Seed precise, relevant data from production or sandboxes to any Developer, Developer Pro, Partial, or Full sandboxes. Seed directly from production for the most up-to-date data or from a backup for consistent test data. Once you’ve successfully seeded your data, deploy it directly to production.
Create the ideal development and testing environment with subsets of data from production orgs or other sandboxes.
Control what data is seeded for initial and subsequent projects with options to add all records, delete existing records and replace with new, or only update incremental changes since previous seed. You can instantly view a sample of the data that will be seeded to verify filters are creating the desired data set.
Seed in a simpler, faster way. Select your desired object level depth, or the number of degrees away from a given object. Starting with your object, you can select all related children, grandchildren, and so on. Further fine-tune your seed data to include or exclude objects and let Own build the seed template for you!
Configure and recycle templates and built-in filters to isolate perfect data sets to repeatedly seed to any sandbox with an identical data structure. That way, rather than having to start from scratch each time you want to seed, you can start with only the specific data you need, and then add more data as you need it.
Because sandbox data is a subset of production data, it’s likely to contain confidential or sensitive information that could be accessed by many people during development, testing, and training. With Accelerate, you can mask sensitive data before it is seeded to the destination.
You’ve just finished seeding your sandbox, only to have new requirements be identified. Now you can update template filters in seconds to add or remove data based on new requirements, then reseed to update the destination’s records.
Keep track of seed data size as you select objects and filter records to ensure the seed data will fit in your sandbox. With a single click, you can review a sample of records defined by your custom parameters and adjust as you build.