Simplify Data Management with Automation Bypass Best Practices

February 1, 2024
February 1, 2024
February 1, 2024
10:00AM EST, 3:00PM GMT
Save your spot
Save your spot
Max Ngangira
Technical Account Manager
Own Company

Salesforce Architects and Admins need a good understanding of their architectural landscape in order to successfully carry out their Development Cycles and Data Management processes. Automation bypasses play an important part in achieving this, as they provide flexibility for requirements such as large scale data loads to skip customisations that may block operations such as inserts, updates and deletes.

Join Max Ngangira, Technical Account Manager at Own, as he gives an overview of how Admins and Architects can implement best practices for bypasses, streamline their Development Cycles and simplify their Data Management processes.

You’ll learn:

  • How to create a bypass for Workflow Rules, Validation Rules and Process Builder/Flow
  • How to apply the bypass to an Integration User
  • The benefits of having an automation bypass to your Development Cycles and Data Management processes

This is the first in a series of sessions designed to help Salesforce users take practical steps towards a more secure Salesforce environment. Watch out for more content coming soon in our Admin Academy…

Max Ngangira
Technical Account Manager
Own Company

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