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Enhance Your Data Protection With These New Own Company Features

Mike Melone
Sr. Content Marketing Manager, Own Company
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Every few months on the blog, we recap some of the new features we’ve been working on. Here are some highlights from our recent product releases and how they can make your experience using Own even better.


Improved Backup Performance for Dynamics 365

Once companies adopt SaaS applications, they typically increase the processes they run through them, and the data they store in them grows. Unfortunately, one of the unintended consequences of this is often longer backup times. To help keep backup performance as high as possible, we've made three important optimizations that have improved average backup runtimes by 25%.

  • Object ordering - We now consider the size of objects to determine the order in which we back them up. We back up objects in parallel, so starting backups on large objects first can shorten overall backup times.
  • Error handling - When we resume backups that run into error conditions, we can resume them closer to the point of error rather than restarting the backup from the beginning.
  • Optimizing parallelism - We have tuned the default degree of parallelism in our backup processes.

Backup Exclusions

From time to time, Own customers choose to exclude files from their backups for many reasons, such as to keep backup size manageable or because some objects aren’t relevant to a restore scenario.

Our latest release provides a centralized place for customers to view, access, manage and edit all the exclusions for their backup service. This enhancement includes a place where customers can enter the reason why this exclusion is taking place, and also includes a way to add who added the policy and the date when it was added. This makes it easier than ever to keep track of exclusions historically for potential audits. Furthermore, all active exclusions will be shared with the users  as part of the regular backup email report. 

Restore Knowledge Articles

Recently, we introduced the ability to restore Salesforce Knowledge Articles via the Own Recover application. Salesforce Knowledge articles are what the Salesforce Knowledge base is built from and educate users on how to use or get started with a particular product. For some of our customers, these articles are essential to their org. While Own customers have always been able to back up Knowledge Articles, they now have the peace of mind that should they need to restore them, they can do so quickly and easily via the Own Recover application.


Insight Risk Language and Configurable Risk Rating

Properly securing a Salesforce org requires Infosec personnel and administrators to collaborate effectively. Part of this means bridging the Salesforce jargon to risk language gap between these two key IT disciplines.

With Own Secure, each Security Insight now includes language explaining what each insight is revealing, the risk of the information presented by the insight, what we commonly see in our customers’ environments, and the recommended (default) risk rating.

Why is this valuable? For one, Infosec users don’t need to be Salesforce experts to identify risks in their org and identify things that must be addressed immediately. It also bridges the gap between Infosec and Salesforce practitioners by giving them one common language and an easier way to work directly in the platform.

What’s New modal and In-App Update

With our latest release, Secure customers can quickly and easily view what version they are running and what the latest version is, directly within the application. By clicking on the What's New link, they can read through and understand what has been released and choose to upgrade to the latest version immediately, without having to contact support.

Field Description and Help Text

Often, our customers will populate their field descriptions and help text information while creating fields. This information can be helpful when performing initial classification, validating classification, or determining the right priority of action for fields in a block state on the platform encryption analysis screen. In addition, field descriptions can be useful when viewing different lenses in the who sees what module to determine if fields are overexposed from an access perspective. 

For customers who have taken the time to document their fields, they now have the ability to leverage this information to make security related decisions directly within Secure. Customers do not need to leave Secure to read the descriptions and help text what they wrote at the time of field creation. Instead, they can stay in Secure and make better, more informed decisions regarding field classification, blocked field disposition and field access. 


Archive Boost

Own Archive was built to help companies reduce the size of their Salesforce storage and eliminate the need to continually purchase more. For some of our larger enterprise customers though, they were adding more data per day than they could archive per day. So they were worried they weren't going to be able to archive enough data to make an impact on their total storage.

That’s where Archive’s newly enhanced Boost feature can help. Boost is the best way for customers to increase their archiving throughput and make an impact on large amounts of data. By enabling Boost on the org settings and on up to four policies, Archive will automatically optimize these policies to increase archiving throughput up to eight times faster.

In-Console Dashboard

Currently, Archive users can view a dashboard of reports from the homepage of the managed package or view their high level trends across all their orgs from the health screen of the console. That health screen provides some information on how archive services are performing. Now, we're bringing some of that insight to the console and making it easier for users to switch between their different orgs to get that understanding into their archiving performance. Directly from the console, users be able to see their Salesforce and Archive data and file storage over time, in relation to their max capacity in Salesforce.

Widget Localization

The widget is a component that displays Archive data directly in context with Salesforce records. With the latest release, customers will not only be able to view their archived records from Salesforce, but can also translate those front-end Archive widget labels to ensure consistency with their preferred language.

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Mike Melone
Sr. Content Marketing Manager, Own Company

Mike Melone is a Sr. Content Marketing Manager at Own. With a passion for storytelling and expertise in SaaS data protection, Mike shares his insights to help organizations safeguard their critical data.

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