Backup and Recovery
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Our Expansion into ServiceNow and the Next Step Toward our Vision

Sam Gutmann
CEO, Own Company
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While the recent growth of SaaS might make it seem like it’s been around forever, its broad use is still relatively new. As recently as 2015, the average number of SaaS apps used per company was just eight. Businesses were starting to move some systems and operations to the cloud, but much of their data was still stored on-premises.

2015 was also the year Own was founded. As cloud computing continued to gain popularity, my co-founders and I recognized that more companies were turning to SaaS applications like Salesforce to transform their business. While that certainly wasn’t a novel realization, our next one was: no one really knew how to properly protect the data that these applications generated.

So that’s exactly what we sought out to do. Seven years ago, our vision was to build a best-in-class backup and recovery solution for Salesforce, which I’m proud to say we did. Since then, we’ve added new products, expanded our coverage into Microsoft Dynamics, and now…

Introducing Own Recover for ServiceNow

Today I’m thrilled to announce that we are offering our cloud-to-cloud backup and recovery solution to ServiceNow, in addition to the current platforms we support- Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM and the Power Platform.

We chose ServiceNow as the next market to pursue for several reasons. Like Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics, ServiceNow holds hugely critical data that companies rely on for mission-critical operations. Also, the ServiceNow Platform has evolved to become the enterprise service management platform of choice for over 7,000 companies, uniting business functions from customer service to HR to IT with automated workflows.

Own Recover for ServiceNow was created for all organizations using the ServiceNow platform who need to protect important data from loss or corruption. The highly secure, always-available backup and recovery solution ensures data resilience and simplifies compliance. Unlike backup capabilities native to ServiceNow, Own Recover provides full control over backup retention for compliance and audit purposes, and the ability to quickly restore data - from entire instances down to individual records - in a self-service fashion.

Advancing our vision, one SaaS application at a time

At the beginning of this post I cited the stat that enterprises used an average of eight SaaS applications in 2015. Although it varies based on the source, it’s safe to say that the average enterprise now has well over 100 SaaS applications in their tech stack, with some having as many as 300.

And while each of these applications serve a unique purpose, they all have one thing in common: they subscribe to the shared responsibility model that states that data protection is the customers’ responsibility.

That’s why our announcement today is so significant. It’s a key step toward advancing our vision to unify data protection for all mission-critical SaaS applications on a single platform. First Salesforce. Then Microsoft Dynamics 365. And now ServiceNow. And you can bet that we won’t stop there.

To learn more about Recover for ServiceNow, check out our ebook, "The Complete Guide to Backup and Recovery for ServiceNow".

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Sam Gutmann
CEO, Own Company

Sam Gutmann is the Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder at Own. A software entrepreneur and pioneer in the online and cloud backup and recovery space, Sam has also served as CIO of BassTech International, CEO and Co-Founder of Intronis, and was an entrepreneur in residence at Golden Seeds.

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